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가독성 좋은 서체 ‘스포카 한 산스’ 2.0

To embed Spoqa Han Sans into a webpage, there are two ways.

Copy this code into stylesheet as the import method

@import url(//spoqa.github.io/spoqa-han-sans/css/SpoqaHanSans-kr.css);
@import url(//spoqa.github.io/spoqa-han-sans/css/SpoqaHanSans-jp.css);

Or copy this code into the <head> of your HTML document.

<link href='//spoqa.github.io/spoqa-han-sans/css/SpoqaHanSans-kr.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='//spoqa.github.io/spoqa-han-sans/css/SpoqaHanSans-jp.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

And then, specify the font with font-family in the <style> tag.

* { font-family: 'Spoqa Han Sans', 'Spoqa Han Sans JP', 'Sans-serif'; }

If you use below ways, it may take a while because it is a free serve version. We recommended to serve it directly to your server. If you need more information, refer to the tips on using Spoqa Han Sans web fonts.